Sunday, March 26, 2006

Finally some "socialization"!...

I have an older male friend, who I have mentioned before a few times (not that anyone notices - holy crap I sound like Eyore some days). He's kind of like a dad-figure, if your dad was a perverted, foul-mouthed redneck. I just love him! He adores my kids and often comes over to take them fishing or screwing around at the lake. He asks them to "help" around the yard, then pays them for their "work," even when they just run around playing all day. He's like a grandpa to them, and I think that's awesome since my husband's dad is mentally handicapped after an aneurysm and my dad is.. well.. I think my kids annoy him.

So this morning this friend calls me asking if it would be alright to sign the kids up for some activity, which he would pay for. I appreciate him asking, but it really was a no-brainer. I've wanted to sign them up for tumbling, tae kwon do, music lessons, something for quite a while, but we can't afford the lessons. I have been a little upset that we don't live around any children, and the children in the closest neighborhood are all complete demons. I can't even tell you how delighted I am that they can have this opportunity to make friends and find a hobby or activity they enjoy. They need to get out of the house once in a while. I need them to get out of the house once in a while.

Now, to find something my son will actually enjoy...

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