Monday, November 23, 2009

Who needs building plans?

The chicken coop plans that I spent a good hour on, carefully drawing and measuring, have been scrapped. The early dark (thanks, time change) and the rainy cold weather have been a big deterrent in getting the coop built this last week. But I had a backup plan, and by the looks of it, it should have been our plan in the first place.

This is the kids' clubhouse:

(This picture was taken last winter, no actual snow around here yet. The apparent tilt is the result of the camera-operator - likely me.)

When the clubhouse was new, it was a place for reading, a lookout, an advantage spot in a water gun fight, and a place to keep the toy kitchen and all the bazillions of dishes and plastic food. In the last year, it's become an ignored and empty waste of space. The kids still climb up in there, but now it's just to sit and chat for a few minutes, or stop off on the way further up the tree.

So really the only thing making the difference between a clubhouse and a chicken coop are a door and some insulating. I'll post more pictures of those, the fence, etc. as we go.


MOM #1 said...

Sounds like a reasonable idea to me. Hope the kids agree. Nothing is more fun to play with than a toy that you're about to lose, LOL.

candyn said...

Looks perfect! In the spring you can let the kids build a fort with the spare fence parts, if they feel the need for a new clubhouse. At least that would have been something I would have liked to do as a kid. My parents always gave me the spare bits of wood to pound away on and build ugly little shelves and things with. Looking back I guess I was rather easy to please ;0)